So, there are a couple of cats who like hanging around my apartment (the little yellow guest house). One is a grey cat with a bell around its neck, that likes walking right into my place (I keep the door open and don't have a screen), and gets belligerent whenever I shoo her out. The other is a weird black cat that likes skulking around. Sometimes I open my door and find she's been sitting out there in front of it. Other times she trips my light sensor and casts shadows through my curtains, walking back and forth along my ledges. Yet other times, she just makes this terrible sound that cats in heat generally do, as if she believes I'm hiding a he-cat inside.
Anyhoo, Saturday morning, I left to run an errand and came back home before I had to head out again. There, in the middle of my doormat was a songbird. A very dead one. UGH. Now, to understand the gravity of the situation, you have to know that I have a very bad birdphobia. I used to think about buying a house on my own, but one of the deterrents was thinking that I'd have to take care of any dead rodents or birds that come along, and that's just not my thing. So, I was a little freaked out by the rigor-mortised birdie right in front of my door. Yes, I sucked it up, found a little box, and somehow got the bird inside before putting it into a plastic bag and throwing it away. The whole time I'm wondering if that crazy cat is going to leave me anymore nasty presents.
So far, so good. My mom tells me that I should mentally thank the cat then gently insist that she not leave me anything else. I hope it works.
On another note, yesterday I had an appointment with a company called Fitness Wave to get dunked. You see, they have a mobile unit where you can get immersed in a little warm pool and find out your body fat percentage. The truck was parked right outside the Gold's Gym in Redondo Beach when I headed in. Interesting procedure. And, suffice it to say that I was pleased with the results. Check it out for yourself at And, if you decide to do it, be sure to use the coupon on their appointment page to get $10 off. If that payment page is not secure (it wasn't when I signed up), just call them to pay over the phone and use the coupon code.
Finally, last night, I went to the TV Academy panel for the show "Heroes." I'd never watched before, and sadly, I don't have the time to add an hour-long drama to my repertoire. But, I must say it's very well-written and acted, and it has some hotties in the cast. I hope they can keep it going...these types of shows sometimes have a hard time maintaining momentum (see: "Lost," "Alias," "Desperate Housewives.")
Just two more days till my birthday...
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Spinning Virgin No More

Today I took my first ever spinning class, at YAS - Yoga and Spinning, which is right on Abbot Kinney, just walking distance away from where I live. It was challenging and I sure did sweat a lot. But, I haven't been good about packing up my bike and riding in Griffith Park, so spinning was just what I needed. Especially with a triathlon coming up. I'm thinking of investing in more classes...we'll see. I've been taking private swimming lessons (working on technique), and my usual pilates semi-privates, and these things add up -- moreso when you're income-challenged like I am at the moment.
Two nights ago, I went out to the Barnes and Noble at the Grove for Victoria Rowell's book signing. The book is titled "The Women Who Raised Me," and so far it's a great read. Anyway, back to the reading....packed house! And VR's friends -- Kimberly Elise, Debbie Morgan, Kasi Lemmons, the ex-Mrs. Babyface and Shaun Robinson of Access Hollywood -- just to name a few, came out in full force to support. And, as you can imagine, they all looked mahvelous!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
An Evening with "Entourage"

On Wednesday night, I went to the TV Academy in NoHo for "An Evening with Entourage." The entire cast, creators and producer were all there to talk about the show -- after a screening of the latest episode (36: Dog Day Afternoon).
I dig everything about this show (although, if I had to pick the weakest link, it would be the Vince character. He's kinda boring, but Adrian Grenier is so pretty it's kind of easy to forgive that), and now I appreciate it even more. Random observations:
- I had to wonder if Kevin Dillon and Jerry Ferrara are good actors or just good at playing themselves. Sadly, I'm leaning towards the latter
- I love the whole idea of "Mrs. Ari." She rocks.
- How cool is it that Rex Lee worked as a casting assistant before landing the gig as Lloyd? How even cooler is it that he didn't quit that day job until 2006??!! Talk about being unaffected...
- I don't care how much of a douchebag Jerry Piven is; I love me some Ari. Plus, Pivs earned some serious cool points with me after his pilgrimage to India with The Travel Channel.
All this love for the show, but I don't have any plans to subscribe to HBO. I actually like getting the DVDs and watching the series like one long movie.
The next Academy panel coming up is for the show "Heroes." I don't watch it, but maybe if I'm wowed by the screening episode I might be tempted to check it out.
"Entourage" panel,
I heart Ari Gold,
TV Academy
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
A Curse on Michael Holt of Heaven Films
So, on the night of the full moon in February, I decided to brighten my spirits by going for a mani-pedi in Santa Monica. The street traffic was really heavy that night, due to a backup on the 405...yes, it was a Friday night, but I hadn't seen the traffic that bad before.
Anyhoo, I'm headed down 5th street, and am almost at Wilshire, when a white compact car appears out of nowhere and smashes right into me. A guy was trying to turn left out of a parking lot and decided to get aggressive and gun it across traffic. Too bad he wasn't looking where he was going. Anyway, it happened at low speed, so we were both ok. He apologized profusely and owned up to his own stupidity. Then, he said he was driving a rental, so there was no insurance info to exchange. I got his driver license number and cell phone -- he told me he was a commercial director who was constantly between London and L.A., and that he was eager to pay for the damage to my car out of pocket.
The next day, I went to my mechanic and got an estimate for $1400(!). I let Michael know, and he told me that sounded about right. He was off on location but promised he'd wire the money to me.
Until, that is, he realized he was having some sort of financial crisis. Seems he was waiting on a client to pay him, blah, blah. This continued "I want to pay you and will as soon as I can." And, the fucker had the nerve to keep text messaging me instead of just sending email or calling. Note to everyone: please do not assume that everyone pays for the monthly "unlimited text message" feature with their cell phone. I don't.
Just before I hit the two month mark, I let Mr. Holt know that I was giving him a deadline to pay me before I notify my insurance. This is what he emails me back:
"I definately understand your concern.
Truthfully, I want to take care of this on my own
because I was not carrying liability insurance for the
U.S. at the time and had stupidly only purchased
insurance to cover the rental car.
I'm still struggling but expecting some income any
day. I'll keep you posted and will contact you in the
next few days again regardless.
Do what is best for you but I promise, I won't not pay
you for the damage. I just need a little more time. I
haven't been in this kind of money crunch for 10 years
and it really bites but I will be back in the black
soon with some new lessons learned. I'm so sorry.
Just my luck that some broke-ass guy would hit my car. And no, he didn't get back to me.
So, on April 2nd, I notified my insurance company. Who notified me that I would be responsible for paying my deductible until they can successfully get the money from the rental company's insurance.
Of course, when I email Mr. Holt asking for the name of the rental company I get nothing. So, now, I'm calling each rental company with the info I have on him to try to narrow them down. What a fucking nightmare.
Anyway, lesson learned. No matter how reputable or cognizant of karma anyone seems, get every bit of information you need at the accident site. Call the cops if needed. And, if someone driving a rental car hits you, for goodness sake, get the tag number of the car in question.
Michael Holt, wherever you are, I hope you get what you deserve.
Anyhoo, I'm headed down 5th street, and am almost at Wilshire, when a white compact car appears out of nowhere and smashes right into me. A guy was trying to turn left out of a parking lot and decided to get aggressive and gun it across traffic. Too bad he wasn't looking where he was going. Anyway, it happened at low speed, so we were both ok. He apologized profusely and owned up to his own stupidity. Then, he said he was driving a rental, so there was no insurance info to exchange. I got his driver license number and cell phone -- he told me he was a commercial director who was constantly between London and L.A., and that he was eager to pay for the damage to my car out of pocket.
The next day, I went to my mechanic and got an estimate for $1400(!). I let Michael know, and he told me that sounded about right. He was off on location but promised he'd wire the money to me.
Until, that is, he realized he was having some sort of financial crisis. Seems he was waiting on a client to pay him, blah, blah. This continued "I want to pay you and will as soon as I can." And, the fucker had the nerve to keep text messaging me instead of just sending email or calling. Note to everyone: please do not assume that everyone pays for the monthly "unlimited text message" feature with their cell phone. I don't.
Just before I hit the two month mark, I let Mr. Holt know that I was giving him a deadline to pay me before I notify my insurance. This is what he emails me back:
"I definately understand your concern.
Truthfully, I want to take care of this on my own
because I was not carrying liability insurance for the
U.S. at the time and had stupidly only purchased
insurance to cover the rental car.
I'm still struggling but expecting some income any
day. I'll keep you posted and will contact you in the
next few days again regardless.
Do what is best for you but I promise, I won't not pay
you for the damage. I just need a little more time. I
haven't been in this kind of money crunch for 10 years
and it really bites but I will be back in the black
soon with some new lessons learned. I'm so sorry.
Just my luck that some broke-ass guy would hit my car. And no, he didn't get back to me.
So, on April 2nd, I notified my insurance company. Who notified me that I would be responsible for paying my deductible until they can successfully get the money from the rental company's insurance.
Of course, when I email Mr. Holt asking for the name of the rental company I get nothing. So, now, I'm calling each rental company with the info I have on him to try to narrow them down. What a fucking nightmare.
Anyway, lesson learned. No matter how reputable or cognizant of karma anyone seems, get every bit of information you need at the accident site. Call the cops if needed. And, if someone driving a rental car hits you, for goodness sake, get the tag number of the car in question.
Michael Holt, wherever you are, I hope you get what you deserve.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Sunrise on Easter Morning

For as long as I can remember, I've spent my Easter mornings welcoming the dawn at the annual Sunrise Service at the Hollywood Bowl, and yesterday was no different. I'd planned to get to bed early, so that I'd have no problem getting out of the house by 4 a.m., but, I got all caught up watching "The Ten Commandments" on ABC on Saturday night as I dozed on the couch, and the next thing I knew it was 1 a.m.
I did get up and get to Hollywood by 5, and sat in a box. It was actually pretty mild out, and by the time the service started, the birds were tweeting pretty loudly. The service usually isn't the most polished, but I enjoy it and being in one of my fave outdoor spots. The weather has been overcast, so there wasn't that beautiful and dramatic breaking of the first rays that makes the service so much more ethereal, but it was still very nice.
And the best thing of all, I'm back in my car by 7ish. My friend and I went for a nice, meandering breakfast (it was too early for brunch!) at The Coffee Table in Silver Lake. I was home by about 11.
I spent the rest of day on the couch with Turner Classic Movies and the Ion Network -- "Easter Parade," "King of Kings," and some classic eps of "Battlestar Gallactica." BG was such a ripoff of "Star Wars" in every way, down to the opening credits of the pilot episode. Fun fact: Rick Springfield played the doomed brother of Apollo who the Cylons shoot down in the first episode.
But, back to Easter. The older I get, the more emotional the whole story becomes for me. And, call me naive or uninformed, but I just don't get the whole argument that the Jews were responsible for Jesus's death. Any way you slice it, the Romans and their horribly destructive "holy" empire are the ones who carried out the deed. My goodness, those people were E-VIL. Anyway, I've come to the point in my life where I'd like to learn more of the Bible, so I'm going to attempt to read it. As far as I'm concerned, it would be the equivalent of reading Bulfinch's Mythology or The Iliad/Odyssey; isn't that what all those holy books are anyway -- fables, parables and myths that offer a blueprint for living? However, it would be nice to be able to participate in informed debate anytime someone trots out bible passages or hopes to use them to back up their ignorance and hatred. But, I digress.
Time to get back to writing.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Oh, Henry!

This past weekend, DirecTV ran a free preview of "The Tudors," the new series on Showtime starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers. As I was doing what I usually do on Saturday nights (lounging on the couch in front of the tele; I'm not keen on going out Fri-Sat evenings), I partook of said preview. Compelling stuff, and I must say that JRM is so pretty to look at, even with that stone-cold masochistic gaze. He's perfected a "smug royal" snare that is without equal.
Anyhoo, the preview was just a morsel to whet the appetite: "edited" down. I got hooked, and hopeful that I'd found a new show to replace my beloved "Footballers Wives" -- nudity, cussing and trashy sex included. But alas, I don't see myself signing up for premium channels anytime in the near future.
Coincidentally, I received my first "For Your Consideration" package for TV Academy members last just so happened to be from Showtime. And guess what it included? SIX whole eps of "The Tudors" -- woo to the hoo!!!
I watched episode three last night, and I have to say I love everything about this series. I have developed a fascination for the horrible little details of Henry VIII's reign that has me spending good time on the Wikipedia.
If anyone out there needs fuel against the whole "defense of marriage" campaign, learn your history of the monarchy. You'll realize that marriage was nothing more than a way to transfer land, form alliances and perpetuate business dealings. Imagine "bethrothing" your little girl to her first cousin at age 12 just to keep peace in the family and maintain a hold on a good part of the continent? Knowing that her old hubby would most likely be getting his kicks from her ladies in waiting and she would most likely be exerting p-control over a jester, duke or lower lord? Sick much? And, let's not even talk about the hypocritical money-grubbing fucks who were making names for themselves in the church. This was "civilized" society?
Sounds like Henry was a sort of renaissance man/rock star in his youth -- you know, before he turned into the bloated, crazy-ass fat man shoving turkey legs down his gullet. But, the guy never had a conscience. How can you go from being in love in someone to cutting off her head, just for spite? Henry was granted annulments for a few of his marriages (he broke with the Vatican so that this wouldn't be a problem), so in the end he didn't have to have all those women beheaded. But, Henry had bloodlust. I read somewhere that during his reign, more than 72,000 people were executed (not only decapitated but also, *gulp* "drawn and quartered")...YIKES!
He may have been a first-class wanker, but if he looked anything like Jonathan Rhys Meyers during his youth, I'd almost be tempted to cut Ol' Henry some slack. Almost.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Lazy Sunday
It was another beautiful, but very lazy Sunday. I didn't make it to the Farmer's Market, didn't even make it to the pool for an afternoon swim; I did, however, eventually make it into the shower -- at about 4 p.m., tho.
A friend of mine was having an informal get-together in the late afternoon/early evening. I headed over there after first stopping to get a pedi.
It was a fun, mellow time with some nice convo sitting around the living room. Two of his guests (a married couple) talked about being actors. I thought the guy looked familiar and thought that perhaps we'd met before, but then I realized I probably just noticed him from TV.
After I got home it finally hit me where I knew him from -- the show 24. He played the character of Tony Almeida. Of course I sighed with relief that I didn't make a disparaging remark about the show, because we were having a convo about good/bad TV programs...
Looks like I've finally learned how to conduct myself in mixed company ... a necessary skill when you live where I do!
A friend of mine was having an informal get-together in the late afternoon/early evening. I headed over there after first stopping to get a pedi.
It was a fun, mellow time with some nice convo sitting around the living room. Two of his guests (a married couple) talked about being actors. I thought the guy looked familiar and thought that perhaps we'd met before, but then I realized I probably just noticed him from TV.
After I got home it finally hit me where I knew him from -- the show 24. He played the character of Tony Almeida. Of course I sighed with relief that I didn't make a disparaging remark about the show, because we were having a convo about good/bad TV programs...
Looks like I've finally learned how to conduct myself in mixed company ... a necessary skill when you live where I do!
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