This past weekend, DirecTV ran a free preview of "The Tudors," the new series on Showtime starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers. As I was doing what I usually do on Saturday nights (lounging on the couch in front of the tele; I'm not keen on going out Fri-Sat evenings), I partook of said preview. Compelling stuff, and I must say that JRM is so pretty to look at, even with that stone-cold masochistic gaze. He's perfected a "smug royal" snare that is without equal.
Anyhoo, the preview was just a morsel to whet the appetite: "edited" down. I got hooked, and hopeful that I'd found a new show to replace my beloved "Footballers Wives" -- nudity, cussing and trashy sex included. But alas, I don't see myself signing up for premium channels anytime in the near future.
Coincidentally, I received my first "For Your Consideration" package for TV Academy members last week...it just so happened to be from Showtime. And guess what it included? SIX whole eps of "The Tudors" -- woo to the hoo!!!
I watched episode three last night, and I have to say I love everything about this series. I have developed a fascination for the horrible little details of Henry VIII's reign that has me spending good time on the Wikipedia.
If anyone out there needs fuel against the whole "defense of marriage" campaign, learn your history of the monarchy. You'll realize that marriage was nothing more than a way to transfer land, form alliances and perpetuate business dealings. Imagine "bethrothing" your little girl to her first cousin at age 12 just to keep peace in the family and maintain a hold on a good part of the continent? Knowing that her old hubby would most likely be getting his kicks from her ladies in waiting and she would most likely be exerting p-control over a jester, duke or lower lord? Sick much? And, let's not even talk about the hypocritical money-grubbing fucks who were making names for themselves in the church. This was "civilized" society?
Sounds like Henry was a sort of renaissance man/rock star in his youth -- you know, before he turned into the bloated, crazy-ass fat man shoving turkey legs down his gullet. But, the guy never had a conscience. How can you go from being in love in someone to cutting off her head, just for spite? Henry was granted annulments for a few of his marriages (he broke with the Vatican so that this wouldn't be a problem), so in the end he didn't have to have all those women beheaded. But, Henry had bloodlust. I read somewhere that during his reign, more than 72,000 people were executed (not only decapitated but also, *gulp* "drawn and quartered")...YIKES!
He may have been a first-class wanker, but if he looked anything like Jonathan Rhys Meyers during his youth, I'd almost be tempted to cut Ol' Henry some slack. Almost.
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