If I'm correct, then tonight is the second full moon for the month of May -- a blue moon, if you will. About four months ago (yes, on the full moon in February), I was driving home after getting my nails "did" -- I was alert, not on the phone and not driving over the speed limit -- when a dweeb hit my car. It was totally his fault and he admitted it. Oh, did I mention he was driving a rental car and had no insurance? He was nervous and apologizing profusely and promised to pay for the repairs to my car, which are estimated at $1400. I stupidly didn't take down the tag number of the car he was driving, figuring there was really nothing I could do but have faith in the guy's trustworthiness.
I should've known something was wrong when he didn't wire me the money when he said he would, then kept texting me from London that he was having some sort of inopportune financial "crisis" and couldn't pay, even though he wanted to. This went on for months, until I decided to get my insurance involved (more on his response here). Then I found out that I was responsible for a $500 deductible, which my insurance company would try to recoup from either him or the rental company's insurance. Michael Holt, the guy, promptly stopped replying to emails and answering his phone once insurance got involved. Then, he conveniently shut down the website of his company (he's a commercial director), Heaven Films, so his email address was gone.
So, my car is still wrecked while I try to scrape together the cash to cover my deductible so I can get my car repaired. In the meantime, I submitted a request to the CA DMV to get Mr. Holt's information, so I could work on recouping my expenses from him -- maybe by taking him to small claims court. I received a phone call today from them -- seems the CA driver license info that Mr. Holt (or whatever his name is) gave me is incorrect. Figures. Now all I have for him is a cell phone number - 1.800.963.0093, and the source of his text messages from the UK - +447942216680. But, he's probably gotten rid of those too.
So, I'm back to square zero, while he's out there on the road, flitting around L.A. or the U.K, doing whatever it is that he does, making himself a bigger target when it finally comes time for him to pay the karma police. I wish him luck. He'll need it.
No, I'm not bitter. Not in the least.
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